Why You Should Go to a Professional to Get Your Prom Makeup Done
Spring is just around the corner, and that means prom season is quickly approaching! With that comes all the exciting things–dress shopping, nail appointments, and salon consultations.
If you’re thinking about skipping the salon and doing your own hair, nails, and makeup, think again. It might save you money upfront, but what will it cost you in the long run?
Read on to learn the top five reasons you should have your prom makeup professionally done.
1. Save Time
While you may think that doing your own makeup or having a friend do it for you will be quick, that’s rarely the case. Imagine having your face almost done and accidentally smearing your mascara. That’s a perfect recipe for losing time and having to start over.
A professional makeup artist is just that–a professional. She has studied and practiced, and she knows the best techniques for different face shapes and skin tones. She won’t second guess which color mascara you need or what lipstick shade will work best for you.
2. Less Stress
Getting ready for the prom should be fun. Next to your wedding day, it’s probably the most important “dress up” day in your life. It’s at least the most important in your high school career.
You’ll have enough to do to get ready that day. There’s no sense in adding more stress trying to get your makeup “just right”. Hiring a professional will reduce your stress levels and allow you to enjoy the day more fully.
3. Prom Makeup Options
Before prom day, peruse magazines and websites for your ideal prom makeup looks. A professional makeup artist will consider your choices and help you choose the best prom makeup for you based on your skin tone, face shape, dress color, and personal style.
To find a professional makeup artist in your area, a simple search for ‘prom makeup near me’ should give you several options.
4. Boost Self-Confidence
A recent study of 186 female undergrad students performed by Harvard Medical School (USA) and the University of Chieti (Italy) found that wearing makeup boosts women’s confidence.
When you put on your prom dress with great hair and perfect makeup, your self-confidence will soar. More confidence means more smiles and more fun.
Face it–even the prom queen can benefit from an extra boost of self-confidence every now and then.
5. Perfect Pics
Besides prom being a perfect opportunity for selfies, professional photos will be taken as well. A professional makeup artist takes lighting and photography into account when applying your prom makeup.
You’ll be so glad to get those back and see the results of your professionally done makeup.
Make Memories You’ll Love to Look Back On!
Prom night is supposed to be a memorable event, and we want you to have only the best memories. Professionally done makeup will save you time and stress and provide you lots of options for a boost of self-confidence resulting in fabulous photos that you’ll treasure for years!
Whether you choose glam or natural prom makeup or something in between, the professional makeup artists at Gibson Hair & Makeup in Charleston are eager to help you achieve the prom look of your dreams. Contact them today to book your appointment!