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Fighting Away Oily Skin

If you are one of the ladies that are in the constant struggle of fighting oily skin, you know exactly how annoying it is to get that luminous skin you desire. Our makeup salon professionals see clients come in all the time dealing with this same problem and give a few tips to them so that they can fight it for good. We thought it would be great to share their tips with all of you!

Take it Easy on the Toner

It may seem like the best option for controlling your oily skin is to load up on the toner every day. However, this could in fact only cause more problems down the line. If a toner contains ingredients like drying alcohols or menthol you might want to stay away from them altogether. Overusing toner can lead to overly sensitive skin which will ultimately lead to irritating it producing even more oil.

Hydration is Key

One of the most overlooked steps into controlling oily skin is that people are not hydrating their skin enough. Moisturizing the skin is a prime component to making oily skin a thing of the past. Now, most people think that this means using heavy creams and serums, but it is just the opposite. Products like these only clog the pores on a person who deals with oily skin. Look for lightweight lotions or products that contain hyaluronic acid to give some life back to your skin.

Choosing the Right Makeup Products

It is no secret that loading down on the foundation is one of the easiest ways to clog your pores. At our salon in Charleston Sc, the professionals do their best when working with clients to give them the makeover they want without caking on the products. Foundations that feel heavy are pore-cloggers. When shopping for new foundations or products, look for lighter textures and ones that are oil-controlled. Another simple tip that is not news to anyone is that removing your makeup before you go to sleep should always be a part of your nightly routine.

Talk with Your Dermatologist

One of the best things you can do if you have oily skin is to consult your dermatologist. Our makeup salon doesn’t contain any licensed dermatologists, so we can only give you the skincare treatments. The earlier you set out to get treatment rather than just play a guessing game, the better chance you have to get it under control. If you deal with oily skin or mild acne, go see the dermatologist before it can get any worse.

Our salon in Charleston Sc are experts when it comes to two things: hair and beauty. Oily skin is something that no one wants to deal with ever, but there can be solutions. By taking the extra steps with your skincare and using quality products, then you will be on the road to clearing up any excess oils. If you’ve tried everything and it doesn’t seem to be working, talk with a dermatologist.
