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5 Tips to Protect Your Hair From Dry Winter Weather

In the winter, your hair and skin can suffer due to the dry weather. Between the dry air inside and the cold air outside, you’ll find your locks are more susceptible to breaking and splitting, and this can make styling your hair a challenge for months. But, there are a few tips professionals at a hair salon in Charleston use during the winter months to protect hair and keep it looking fantastic. Here are just a few ways to protect your hair from drying out in the cold weather.

#1: Don’t shampoo quite so much

If you already tend to have a dry scalp, shampooing less in the winter can help with itchy scalp and dead ends. However, if your hair naturally leans towards the oily side, you may not have to reduce the amount you shampoo. It’s important to find the happy medium that keeps your locks clean and moisturized. If you aren’t sure what the best routine is for you, consider asking a stylist at a hair and makeup salon in Charleston.

#2: Trim dead ends

Make sure you visit the Charleston hair salon to get dead ends trimmed and keep your locks healthy. When dead ends are left alone in the winter, they cause breaking, fuzz, and an uneven look. You can also make an appointment at the hair salon if you have a big event coming up that you want to look fantastic for. If you have a winter wedding to attend, a big New Year’s party, or another event that people will be taking and posting pictures, you’ll get outstanding results – and keep the dry hair look away.

#3: Skip the heat when styling (every so often)

While you don’t have to forgo using heat to style your hair for the entire winter, try to style without using the hottest settings on straighteners and blow dryers. If you can avoid heat altogether, that helps prevent strands from breaking and keeps moisture locked in. However, even decreasing the heat a little can make a significant difference.

#4: Be mindful of product selection in the winter

When you visit the Charleston hair salon for trims or a new winter style, ask for product recommendation based on the texture of your hair. The experts will know the best hair products that protect your hair from dry weather and make styling a breeze. Products like leave-in conditioners and oil-based moisturizers come in a variety, and a stylist can help you pick quality brands to ensure you don’t waste money and get the results that you deserve.

#5: Make sure hair is dry before going in the cold

When you have wet hair and go into the cold weather, it is going to expand, and this will cause more breaks and damage. It can also cause your color to fade prematurely. Make sure your hair is dry before leaving the house to protect it, and if you do notice damage, schedule an appointment at a hair and makeup salon.

